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Kirbyville offers a variety of activities, clubs, and sports.  We believe that participating in school activities can help students build perseverance, integrity, and confidence which will serve them in all future endeavors.  Exploring the activities we have available will help students learn about themselves and, in combination with academics, support their development in mind, body, and character.

Sports & Teams

  • Any students desiring to participate in extracurricular athletics, either as a player or manager, must meet the following criteria:


    1. The students must have been in attendance, on the day of the event, a minimum of ½ day (3.5 hours). Students who miss class on the date of a contest without being excused by the school Principal or Superintendent will not be considered eligible on that date.


    1. Grades: The Kirbyville R-VI School District recognizes that academic eligibility is the foundation upon which participation and success are built. Per board policy IGD, participation in an extracurricular activity or group is a privilege, not a right.


    The student must maintain a C- or better in every core class to be eligible to participate (tryout, practice, play in contests). No student will be allowed to participate or be eligible if they receive a failing grade of (F) in any class. Any student who’s grade falls below a C- in a core class, as determined by the preceding Quarter grade report, prior to official tryouts must meet the following criteria:


    A. No student with a grade below a C- in a core class will be allowed to tryout, practice, or participate if the team roster /number of open positions, is full with students who have a C- or better grade.

    B. Students who were originally eligible with a grade or grades that fall below C- in a core class during the season will be allowed to continue to practice, but may not participate or play in any matches/games/athletic contests.

    C. A student with a grade below a C-in a core class will be allowed to tryout and practice, but not allowed to participate or play in any matches/games/athletic contests until the grade or grades in question are raised to C- or better as determined by the next grading period.

    D. A grading period is defined as a Quarter or end of term grade. Mid-terms are progress measures and will be used to determine eligibility for participation (for students who were originally ineligible the preceding grading period).


    1. All students participating in extracurricular criteria must have a satisfactory physical examination from a doctor on file with school. The Kirbyville Athletic Program will make accommodations to provide physicals for the student athletes at a minimal cost, dependent on the ability to secure a

    cooperating physician. The Athletic Director will notify parents of physical dates and times when physicals may be obtained. Physical forms are available from the coaches or the office should parents decide to obtain the physicals from their family physician.


    1. Student participants must be covered by accident insurance, provided by parents or guardians. It is board policy that all students participating in extra-curricular activities have some type of insurance coverage. Documenting this coverage is required. It may be wise to check with your current insurance provider to ensure that your plan covers accidents that may occur with these activities.


    1. All injuries should be of great concern to the coach and should be documented and reported to the office. The coaches have parental permission to contact emergency medical personnel if deemed necessary. Student athletes under the care of a physician must have release from that physician before being allowed to resume practice and/or play.


    1. All participants must be good school citizens. Students who receive designated (*) major disciplinary referrals will not be eligible to participate (please refer to the student discipline chart), as determined by the principal. The coach, sponsor, or principal has ultimate authority to remove eligibility due to the student's behavior, which may or may not be in direct conflict with existing discipline policies. Athletes may be held to a higher standard as they represent our school on and off the court or playing field. Consequences for non-compliance with team and/or school rules may include but not be limited to warnings and extra conditioning, benching, or removal from squad or team. Disrespect of rules, peers, school personnel or ones-self, in any form will not be tolerated either on or off the court or the playing field and may result in automatic dismissal.


    1. All participants must be currently enrolled and engaged in a full academic course load. Additional eligibility criteria may be set by the School Board or administration as appropriate/applicable.


    8. All participants will be required to go through a try-out procedure.


      1. The coaching staff for basketball, baseball, and volleyball establishes qualifying guidelines.


    B. Cheerleading tryout procedure is as follows:

    1. Teacher evaluation forms are completed on each candidate.


    1. Each candidate will have the opportunity to attend training sessions prior to the official tryout.


    1. At the tryout each judge will complete an evaluation form after each candidate’s performance. A third party will total these forms and the athletic director may review them. Each candidate’s score will be combined with the teacher evaluation scores to yield a total tryout score.


    1. The judges will be secured by the cheer coach and approved

    by the Athletic Director. These judges will be individuals from the community, surrounding high schools or colleges.


    All camps/clinics are mandatory for each cheerleader. All cheerleaders are required to perform all stunts, dances, cheers and chants. Participation is required at all designated activities, i.e. games, pep rallies, fund-raisers etc.

  • All students are required to complete an annual physical before participating in Kirbyille sports programs.  Click here to download the physical form.

    You may wish to obtain additional insurance coverage while your student plays school sports.  Click here to learn more or enroll in coverage.

  • Summary:

    The academic program competes in the fall and winter and is open to all 6 – 8 grade students who meet eligibility requirements.


    Erin Dalager, Coach

  • Summary:

    The archery program competes November to  mid-March and is open to all 4 – 8 grade students who meet eligibility requirements.


    Amanda Carnal, Coach

  • Summary:
    The baseball program competes in the spring and is open to all students who meet eligibility requirements.


    Willy Morgan, Coach

  • Summary:
    The 5 – 6 basketball program competes in the winter and is open to all 5 – 6 grade students who meet eligibility requirements.



    Boy’s Team
    Willy Morgan, Coach

    Girls’s Team
    Alexandrea Ellison, Coach

  • Summary:

    The 7 – 8 basketball program competes in the fall and is open to all 7 – 8 grade students who meet eligibility requirements.



    Boy’s Team
    Willy Morgan, Coach

    Girls’s Team
    Alexandrea Ellison, Coach

  • Summary:
    The cheerleading program is active in the fall and winter and is open to all 6 – 8 grade students who meet eligibility requirements.


    Latisha Gonzalez, Co-Coach

    Amanda Carnal, Co-Coach

  • Summary:

    The volleyball program competes in the fall and is open to all 6 – 8 grade girls who meet eligibility requirements.


    Joan Edgmon, Coach


  • Summary:

    Beta is a student organization dedicated to the values of achievement, character, leadership, and service.  Membership is by invitation to 6-8 grade students who demonstrate those values.


    Kaily Long, Sponsor

  • Summary:

    Braves band is 6-8 grade curricular class where students learn to play wind and percussion instruments.  Students perform for the community during the Holiday season and Spring season. Students also have the opportunity to participate in large conference bands, as well as, solo and ensemble contests.


    Heather Plybon, Director

  • Summary:

    Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a faith-based, student-led organization for students to share in bible study and devotional time.  It is open to all 4-8 grade students


    Alexandrea Ellison, Sponsor

  • Summary:

    Student Council organizes events and activities for the students of Kirbyville.  Membership is comprised of students in grades 4-8 who have been chosen by their grade-level peers in a fall election


    Andrea Haskins, Sponsor

  • Summary:

    The 4th and 5th choir performs for the community during the Holiday season and Spring season.   The 5th-8th choir does the same and additionally large conference choirs.  


    Heather Plybon, Director